Call for Applications Chief Executive Officer 2025

Call for Applications
Aurora Sister Cities International
Chief Executive Officer 2025

Position/Job Title: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Aurora Sister Cities International (ASCI)
Classification: Full-time (salaried)
Pay Rate: $85,000 – $95,000 depending upon experience
Employed by: Aurora Sister Cities International
Responsible to: ASCI Board of Directors
Benefits: Health, vision, dental, and retirement (3% employer match). Paid sick leave, vacation, and holidays. Transportation and cell phone stipends.


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position for Aurora Sister Cities International (ASCI) demands successful fund-raising ability, excellent program management and support skills, the ability to provide hands-on administration for a small non-profit, and the visionary leadership that ensures the organization’s continued growth and success serving a diverse and increasingly international facing city.

ASCI is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to maintaining a strong Sister Cities program for the City of Aurora. Governed by a Board of Directors, to whom the CEO reports, it functions through Board Standing Committees and Sister Cities Working Groups, one for each city with which ASCI has, or is developing, a relationship. Its purposes are to

  • provide programs, projects, and exchanges to support existing partnerships between the City of Aurora and sister cities identified by a resolution of the Mayor and City Council,
  • identify new sister city partnerships for, and on behalf of, the City of Aurora, and
  • develop and support strategic initiatives which will help Aurora grow its global presence, as well as engage its highly diverse international community.

ASCI’s mission is to promote local and global partnerships centered on cultural, educational, and best practices exchange, fostering a network of community ambassadors who champion peace and prosperity around the world.

Position’s Organizational Functions and Responsibilities:

  • Serves as ASCI’s chief fund-raiser, responsible for securing funding through the development, submission, and management of foundation and government grants; the solicitation of individual, partner, and corporate gifts; and the hosting of fund-raising events.
  • Has overall responsibility for the implementation of the aims and goals of the organization and its programs and for meeting the requirements of ASCI’s annual contract with the City of Aurora.
  • Develops and implements, in collaboration with Board committees, organizational marketing and fund-raising plans.
  • Engages actively in building relationships with community partners, supporters, donors, and funders including via organizational membership or board service.
  • Guides and supports the development of strong, inclusive Sister City Working Groups that develop successful projects and exchanges with their sister cities.
  • Guides the identification, development, and securing of sister cities partnerships.
  • Supports City of Aurora delegations in coordination with the Office of International and Immigrant Affairs on visits to sister cities, accompanying them as needed, and takes part in hosting visiting delegations.
  • Works proactively and collaboratively with the City of Aurora’s Office of International and Immigrant Affairs and community partners to develop programs, projects, and exchanges that strengthen sister city relationships.
  • Serves as ASCI’s public advocate and spokesperson in person and via social media.
  • Regularly updates constituents including city officials and staff, partners, donors, volunteers, and others about ASCI’s work.
  • Encourages, cultivates, and celebrates broad and diverse community participation in all sister city functions and activities.
  • Administers ASCI’s infrastructure including finances, record keeping, human resources, technology, and social media.
  • Recruits, hires, trains, and supervises staff, consultants, contractors, and vendors.
  • Recruits, supervises, nurtures, and recognizes volunteers and interns.

Position’s Board of Directors Related Functions and Responsibilities

  • Manages the organization according to Board policies and the laws and provisions of the City, County, State, and United States.
  • Collaborates with the Board president and City Working Group chairs to ensure that the Board committee and Working Group structures are functioning effectively.
  • In collaboration with the Board president and secretary, develops and distributes Board agendas and supporting documents and provides logistical and technology support for Board meetings.
  • Attends Board meetings and serves as an ex-officio member of Board committees and City Working Groups.
  • Keeps the Board fully informed about the condition of the organization including the provision of monthly financial and CEO reports.
  • Assists the Board committees in planning, organizing, and hosting fundraising events.
  • Onboards new Board members.

Skills, Competencies, and Experience

  • A proven record of successful fundraising, grant submission and management, budgeting, and fiscal management including success in building donor relationships and networks.
  • Multi-year experience in a leadership or management position, preferably in a nonprofit, with responsibilities that included developing and managing youth and other programs and organizing and supporting volunteer working groups and committees.
  • Experience with, and passion for, global affairs, international exchanges, cultural diversity, and community engagement.
  • A demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with diverse audiences and stakeholders, including city officials and staff, board members, volunteers, donors, media, and sister city partners.
  • Experience with developing and supervising successful marketing, public relations, and social media campaigns.
  • Strong computer skills, including those needed for database and fiscal management (such as Excel), social media engagement, and virtual meetings (such as Zoom).
  • A willingness and ability to travel internationally, as needed, to represent ASCI and foster the organization’s sister city relationships.
  • Ability to work on a schedule that may include occasional evening and weekend meetings and events.
  • Helpful but not required are previous involvement with a sister city or other international organization, experience working on or for a non-profit board, competency in a second language, and familiarity with managing a CRM such as Neon.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should email the following to

  • a cover letter briefly summarizing their qualifications for the position’s functions and responsibilities and for how they meet its needed skills, competencies, and experiences
  • an up-to-date resume
  • the names and contact information for their three most recent supervisors

The deadline for accepting applications is April 15th, 2025