October 5, 2015. Aurora’s public library system is different things to different people. However, for Aurora resident and library employee Nebeyou Nunamo, the city’s libraries have been deeply meaningful, both in a personal and professional sense.
After moving to Aurora in 2011, Nunamo became a fixture at Aurora’s central library. There, he used the computers to search for jobs and apply for graduate school scholarships, while also volunteering to teach computer classes to other patrons. In 2014, the library offered him a part-time position as a library assistant, a role perfectly congruent with his degree in library and information science from Dire Dawa, Ethiopia (Nunamo is a Ethiopian native) and his current pursuit of a master’s degree in library science from University of Denver.
Most recently, Nunamo has been working to market Aurora’s library system to the city’s immigrant population, which may not be aware of its myriad resources. He has even established a program of one-on-one computer tutorials for interested parties. These efforts, which have been aggressively promoted, are instrumental to positioning the library as an important cultural hub for Aurora’s diverse community.
– Read the full story on Nebeyou Nunamo from the Aurora Sentinel.