Aurora Mayor Signs Korean American Day Proclamation

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Aurora Mayor, Bob LeGare, signed the Aurora Colorado Proclamation acknowledging the integral role the Korean American community has been in helping expand Aurora’s businesses and contributions to the diversity and culture of Aurora.   Mayor LeGare proclaimed January 13th, 2019 as Korean American Day.

According to the Korea Economic Institute of America, “Korean American Day honors the contributions of the Korean American community to the United States and commemorates the arrival of the first Korean immigrants on January 13, 1903.”  The National Day Calendar explains that “in 1882, the United States and Korea signed a treaty establishing a relationship peace, friendship and commerce. While this led to Korean diplomats, students, politicians and businessmen visiting the United States, few felt compelled to stay.  It wasn’t until December of 1902 the SS Gaelic that 102 Korean immigrants set sail for Honolulu, Hawaii. These families initiated the first wave of Korean immigration resulting in over 7,500 immigrants over the next two years… The day also honors the Korean American’s immense contributions to every aspect of society.”