Announcing Sister Cities International’s 2022 YAAS Theme!

ASCIRecent News

2022 YAAS theme announcement
Prepare to get your creative juices flowing! Sister Cities International is excited to announce the 2022 Young Artists and Authors Showcase (YAAS) theme. Next year’s theme will be:

Generation Rescue: Sustainable Water for All

Climate change has become an undeniably harsh reality in our lives, making the importance of raising awareness and taking action more essential every day. As temperatures rise, water patterns are disrupted, ecosystems are disturbed, and energy resources are proven to be unsustainable for long-term use. These ongoing changes impact our local and global communities in every aspect and youth are the key to tackle this global reality.

In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Sister Cities International will adopt climate change as the overarching theme for its Young Artists and Authors Showcase in both 2022 and 2023. For the 2022 competition, SCI is proud to invite all its youth members to create submissions that highlight the importance of climate change and its impact on water resources. The official 2022 Young Artists and Authors Showcase theme is Generation Rescue: Sustainable Water for All.

Visit the Sister Cities International website to see more details about our 2022 YAAS program. Additional information about the categories, guidelines, requirements, and more will be announced soon.